
saturday 9

On Broadway

1. Have you ever seen a Broadway play? If yes what and when? not on Broadway

2. Tell us about one strange event in your life this week. hmmm... can't think of anything weird this week. Next week I'll be back in school and it'll be a different story.

3. Have you ever lied to "get the guy/gal"? no

4. Tell us about your best friend. we've been friends for... forever! She's my one go-to person that isn't family. But she feels like family.

5. What was the best vacation that you ever had? probably the trip to Belgium/Netherlands/France

6. What was the last big purchase you made? I bought myself a new tv before the digital transition

7. What is your favorite non-alcoholic drink and when did you start drinking it? I'm not so sure I understand this question... I don't drink alcohol so anything goes. I am fond of a virgin frozen margarita if I'm at a bar.

8. When was the last time someone did not believe you? yesterday. It was funny.

9. You have signed on to direct a romantic comedy. Who are your stars? George Clooney and... it doesn't matter, I get to spend time with George.


The Gal Herself said...

Re: the last question -- If Clint Eastwood and Robert Redford can direct themselves onscreen, why can't you cast yourself opposite George?

Kwizgiver said...

Good point!

Bud Weiser, WTIT said...

Gosh. It seemed like it was the day before yesterday that school was over for you. That went quickly!

Becca said...

Belgium, Netherlands and France sounds like a wonderful vacation!!! :)