
friday 5

Catching up on some archived Friday 5s: from July 17...


1) What random letter was generated by the online random-letter generator? (this doesn’t really count as one of your five questions) jvpyk

2) With what famous person, whose name begins with the letter in question #1, would you most like to be stuck on a desert island?
John Travolta

3) What food item, whose name begins with the letter in question #1, can always be found in your pantry? vinegar

4) What song, whose title begins with the letter in question #1, always makes you feel good? Please Please Me by the Beatles

5 )What is your least-favorite film whose title begins with the letter in question #1? Yentl

6) What unusual animal, whose name begins with the letter in question #1, would be a fun pet? koala bear

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