
ten things tuesday...

Ten changes I'd like to see in our country:

1) Change in administration attitude--no more "old boy's network"

2) Reform NCLB because as it stands now more children are being left behind than ever

3) Marriage should be between two consulting, loving adults.

4) Increase pay for teachers. Seriously.

5) Redistribute the military to rely less on the National Guard in the War On Terror.

6) Step up international relations to prevent more crisis in and around the Russian federation.

7) Increase funding for medical trials, especially for stem cell research-related efforts. The cure is out there--for MANY things.

8) Drug prevention and intervention programs need to be more of a priority.

9) Less lip service and more action in political reform.

10) Did I mention education? It needs an overhaul. And stop comparing the performance of every student in American high schools with the elite students in foreign countries!

1 comment:

The Gal Herself said...

#5! So important! Not only for our own security here at home (Katrina, anyone?) but for the sake of the guardsmen.