
One of the reasons today felt so powerful to me is because this is the first time that the President is of my generation. It feels like the torch has been passed from the baby boomers to Generation X, my generation. I think Obama's use of technology makes him part of the new generation, too, the fact that his campaign utilized modern technology definitely plugged him into the youth vote. He's media and tech savvy.

The speech, ahhh, the speech. We have a new President that's got a way with words. I wasn't able to hear the speech in its entirety because of our pesky technical issues at school, but I heard about half of it and felt inspired and uplifted. The beginning listed the challenges our nation faces now but then the hopeful part started and didn't let up. And it made me want to pump my fist in the air--this is MY President. It was kind of nice to listen to the speech at home with no distractions from others.

So, to say the least, I didn't get to share this momentous occasion with my students. Technology at school failed me. I couldn't live stream video and I don't have cable in my classroom. I answered questions the students had, though, and we did have lots to talk about without even seeing it. They had heard some very, very strange rumors about the event and happenings so I did some myth-busting. I even got a chance to use some of my presidential trivia skills!

There was a moment this morning that I almost didn't go to school. I thought about staying home to watch the festivities, but I had such high hopes for the technology guys at school. Ah well, lesson learned.


Diana_CT said...

I liked Rev. Lowery's inauguration benediction, where he talked about inclusion not exclusion, about love not hate.

ConnectingTheDots said...

Well-written piece. But Obama is not an Xer. As many nationally influential voices have repeatedly noted, Obama is part of Generation Jones, born 1954-1965, between the Boomers and Generation X. Google Generation Jones, and you'll see it’s gotten a lot of media attention, and many top commentators from many top publications and networks (New York Times, Time magazine, NBC, Newsweek, ABC, etc.) are specifically referring to Obama, born in 1961, as part of Generation Jones.

Kwizgiver said...

Ah, can't say as I've heard of Generation Jones.