
blog love...

My blog buddy Leesepea awarded me with this nifty award! Now I get to pass it on!

The rules are:
1. Nominate 5 blogs which haven’t had this award before
2. each of the blogs must have a purpose
3. the nominated blogs must make a link back to this page
4. the logo from the award must be put on their blog and it must link back to this blog

The five blogs that have purpose: Diana's Little Corner of the Nutmeg State for outstanding GLTBQ advocacy and awareness; Mrs. Chili at the Blue Door for overall outstanding blogging and kickass grammar; Cat at Sweet Memes for fueling the addiction; and I'm saving the last two for a little later.


Mrs. Chili said...

Thank you, Ma'am! Now I've got to think of five bloggers to award!

Cat. said...

I'll add my thanks, and the same concern as Mrs. Chili.

I guess I've found my purpose in life at last... ;-)

Diana_CT said...

Thank You! I appreciate you thinking of me for the award.

Now to come up with some blogs.

Cat. said...

This was BLOODY hard to do, by the way! :-)

Kwizgiver said...

That's why I have two left to bestow!