
bye-bye vaca...

If I had to choose a day to be I would never choose to be today--the day between the end of vacation and the beginning of work. This day stinks. I'm cramming in all my last-minute laziness and napping but I need to get ready for the week ahead.

At least I can say it was a restful vacation. Because of the bank's error (oh, no, not us) I wasn't up to my usual flitting about burning through my cash. And although I miss that freedom and that cash, I have to say being stuck home has its benefits.

I caught up on all my sleaze-magazine reading (you know which ones) and recycled all of them. Caught up on all my magazines and books and there is nothing on the TBR right now which is kind of fun. I gave myself mani-pedis and my feet are officially sandal-ready. I sorted through all my clothes and have a relatively ok wardrobe to get me through the end of the school year. My vow of "no more long pants!" is in effect, and I've got the smooth legs to prove it! (was that tmi?)

I did have lunch with my teacher-friends and did some shopping with them--which was a hoot, as ever. But I spent a lot of time by myself and relaxed.

So, although I feel as though I should be dreading going back to school, I kinda don't. I don't mind going back and finishing up the year. Just a little less than two months (oy) and the glorious summer vacation is here. It's weird to not be filled with dread. Not that I want to be filled with dread. (Oh, just hush up!)

What if this is as good as it gets?

1 comment:

Princess LadyBug said...

What happened with the bank? And I agree, it's never their fault even when it clearly is. Greedy bastards the lot of them! :P