
holidays and special days

New Years

Where were you last New Years Eve? at Val's
Who did you spend New Years with? myself
How much did you drink? no alcohol but we made Pomegranate drinks
Who did you kiss at midnight? no one
What New Years resolution did you make? one massage a month
Have you kept that resolution? you betcha!

Valentines Day

How did you spend last Valentines Day? with chocolate
Do you feel bitter if you arent in a relationship on Valentines? no
Do you believe that Valentines is just a scam for Hallmark to make money? oh, I donno
Did you have to give a card to all your classmates when you were little? yuppers
Have you ever had a secret admirer? I have
If so, who was it? J. C.
Have you ever been someones secret admirer? I have, indeedy
If so, whose? Jeff something... I don't remember his last name
Whats the most thoughtful thing someone could give you on Valentines? a hug

St. Patricks Day

Do you have any Irish in you? ach, ya
If so, how much? 25%
If not, do you get drunk on St. Pattys anyway? I usually have a Bailey's
Have you ever found a four-leafed clover? right on my left wrist
If so, did it bring you good luck? indeedy
Is there a yearly St. Pattys parade in your city? no, bastards!
Do you eat green pancakes on St. Pattys? no
If not, what do you eat on St. Pats? usually cabbage rolls
Are you sure to wear green on St.Patricks Day? absolutely
Have you ever forgotten to wear green and gotten pinched? never!


How long did you believe in the Easter Bunny? oh, probably age 4
How did you feel when you found out the truth? what truth?
What did you do with the eggs you painted as a kid? I don't remember ever doing that
Whats your favourite Easter treat? a kite or bubble stuff
Did you ever go on Easter Egg hunts? just in the house
Do your parents still make you baskets? :-( no
Whats your favourite Easter memory? nothing particular
What religious activities do you at Easter time? none

Mothers Day

When was the last time you hugged your mom? my step mom was Thanksgiving, which happened to be her birthday
Whats your best memory of your mom? she cracks me up
You do love your mommy, dont you? very much
Have you ever made your mom breakfast in bed? oh yeah
Are you a mom? in my heart, yes
If so, whats the best gift you have received on this day? hugs

Fathers Day

When was the last time you hugged your dad? Thanksgiving
Whats your best memory of him? all of them
You love your daddy too, right? oh, heck ya, I'm a daddy's girl!
Have you ever gone fishing with your dad? ha... no


Whats the coolest Halloween costume youve ever had? a gypsy fortune teller or the nun's habit
At what age were you allowed to go trick-or-treating by yourself? 10
Whats your worst costume you have ever had? pumpkin
Whats your best Halloween memory? my birthdays
Whats your worst Halloween memory? the pumpkin costume year
What was/is your favourite Halloween candy? chocolate
What was/is your least favorite Halloween candy? mary janes
Did you dress up last Halloween? yes! like a crabby middle-aged woman


How old were you when you found out the truth about Santa Claus? 8
How did it make you feel? devestated
Whats the best Christmas present youve ever received? all of them
Whats the best Christmas present youve ever given? all of them
Is Christmas still as much fun as it was when you were a kid? it's better than ever!
Where were you last Christmas? at Dad's
Whats your best Christmas memory? all of them
Whats your worst Christmas memory? the year I didn't get the doll I desperately wanted
Do you ever travel for Christmas? we used to
If so, where? Lincoln
Have you ever had a white christmas (snow)? we've only had one green Christmas--that was 2006!!


Unknown said...

Great quiz. I had to swipe it, of course.

Cat. said...

I'll be posting my asnwers on Christmas Eve! :-)