
friday five

Office Supplies

1. What’s your favorite small office supply (like something that can fit in your top desk drawer)? either Sharpies or Post-its in cool shapes

2. What’s your favorite medium office supply (like something that can fit on your desktop)? I hate to be cliche, but I have a fantastic stapler that is for bulletin boards--the top comes off and has an elastic strap to slip on your hand... it's fantastic!!

3. What’s your favorite large office supply (like a furnishing or a large tool)? overhead projector

4. To which specific office supply do you have a particular personal attachment? uh... leather-bound journal, I think... or cool gel pens...

5. Which office supply do you consider yourself something of an expert on? mmm, colored pencils


Yuriko said...

I love office supplies too!

1UP RPG said...

Oooo I love those clickable Sharpies. Do you have those?

Kwizgiver said...

I think I have every Sharpie ever made... confession time... friends and family buy them for me as gifts.

:-) I've got them well-trained.