
bring back party night!!

Liven up your parties with these fun party games.
Everyone who hosts a gathering in their home wants their guests to enjoy themselves, get to know each other and have a memorable time. Playing a party game is a wonderful way to break the ice and get the conversation flowing. The fun ideas in this article will brighten up your soiree in no time.

And one nice thing about these games is that you don’t need boards or cards for them. Even if you throw an impromptu party, these games can be set up in minutes, yet give you and your guests hours of fun.

Celebrity Bowl

Celebrity Bowl is a guessing game where two partners work together to guess as many celebrities as possible. The objective is to have one teammate provide clues and the other teammate guess the identity of celebrities written on pieces of paper.

To start the game, split everyone at the party into teams of two. Everyone writes the names of five celebrities on different slips of paper, and all of the slips are placed into a large bowl.
A member of the team is designated the caller, and pulls a slip of paper from the bowl. The caller gives his or her teammate clues about the identity of the celebrity on the paper, without saying the celebrity’s name. Each team gets a minute to try to guess as many celebrity names as possible. Play as many rounds as you’d like, and the team who get the most celebrities right wins.

The Dictionary Game

All you need for this game is a dictionary, pads of paper and pens or pencils. The Dictionary Game is a wonderful way to test out your guests' vocabulary knowledge, in addition to how cleverly they can prevaricate, or lie.

One person picks out an obscure word in the dictionary then says it out loud to the group to make sure that no one knows what it actually means. If no one knows the definition, the round leader writes down the actual definition while everyone else makes up a fake definition and writes it down.

The round leader collects all of the definitions and reads them in random order. Everyone writes down what they think the correct definition is. After all the definitions have been read and everyone has made their choice, the leader reads out the real definition.

Players who choose the right definition get a point. Players also get a point for each person who chose their fake definition. You can play as many rounds as you like, and the player with the most points at the end wins.

Crime Syndicate

This is a very popular game to play around a big table. In each game, there are two undercover detectives and everyone else is a member of the crime syndicate. The detectives "arrest" one person each "night," and the crime syndicate tries to figure out who the detectives are each "day."

To start, choose one player to be a "narrator," someone who controls the gameplay. Next, everyone else draws a piece of paper. Two pieces of paper have marks on them, and the two people who get them are the detectives. They need to keep the fact that they’re detectives secret.

Everyone starts sitting around the table, and the narrator instructs everyone to close their eyes—this is "night." Then he or she tells the detectives to open their eyes. Without saying a word, the two detectives pick someone to be guilty, then point that person out to the narrator. Then they close their eyes.

The narrator tells everyone to open their eyes—this is "day." The narrator announces to the group which person was found guilty. That person’s out and can’t say or do anything but watch the rest of the game.

The Crime Syndicate then has to try and figure out who the detectives are. Maybe they felt someone move next to them, or someone has a suspicious look. Everyone, including the detectives, can talk about who they think the detectives are and then the group votes on who they’re going to accuse.

If they’re wrong, the next round begins. This repeats until both detectives are found out or no one is left.

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