
would you?

Would You Survey
Would you eat a bug?no
Would you bungee jump?already have
Would you hang glide?yes
Would you kill someone?no
Would you kiss someone of the same sex?not sexually
Would you parachute from a plane?oh yeah
Would you walk on hot coals?sure--that\'d be nifty
Would you be a vegitarian?yeah
Would you instant message a stranger?not so much
Would you sing karaoke?been there, done that
Would you run a red light?not intentionally
Would you shoplift?nope
Would you dye your hair blue?probably not
Would you be on survivorno way
Would you wear make-up in public?eh
Would you not wear make-up in public?I usually don\'t wear it
Would you cheat on a test?no need to
Would you make someone cry?not on purpose
Would you date someone more than 10 years older than you?oh yeah
Take This Survey at Quizopolis.com

1 comment:

Cat. said...

Swiped this... ;-)