
friday 5

1. What is your favorite outdoor activity? I like to sit and read. Usually not in direct sunlight. I have the perfect porch for it. And there's lots of traffic to watch.

2. Are you outdoors not often enough, too often, or just often enough? Oh, I'm sure I'm not outdoors nearly often enough.

3. When was the last time you slept in a tent? summer of 1988. I don't know if I could anymore.

4. Where is your favorite beach? I loved the beaches in Aruba. Especially sitting on a moonlit night, watching the stars and the waves. It was glorious.

5. In what social, academic, or professional group are you on the outer fringes of? In what social, academic, or professional group are you right in the middle of? I am on the fringes of AAUW. I am in the middle of the "cool teachers" at school.

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