
five on friday

1. Do you curse/swear or otherwise use curse/swear words? I sure do! But I do not use them in anger or say them at someone. I like to use them as colorful speech.

2. Do you substitute faux curse words, like shoot or crap, for the real thing? Usually--especially at school. Yikes!

3. Which curse words and phrases do you abuse most often? Well, my favorite is fuck. I say fuckety-fuck a lot. Damn, goddamn. Uhmmm... I don't use genetalia words, at all.

4. Are you annoyed or pleased when you hear movies, songs, or shows that have been edited to cover or replace inappropriate language? I like knowing I have control over how I hear swears. Sometimes I get turned off by too much swearing. I do like it when I'm watching TV and it's replaced. But, movies I guess I don't mind so much. I'm trying to think of songs that have curses, but what I'm coming up with is stuff like "bitch" and "ho" which are two I never say.

5. What are your thoughts on the use of curses and swear words in modern society? Is it more or less prevalent than in previous generations? Is it fine or causing irreprable harm to our culture? Do you think we should create (or in some cases keep) laws forbidding cursing? When I was a kid, my father explained that there are times and places to use words which might offend. I was careful to learn that lesson. That doesn't seem to be a popular message anymore. I think it is more prevalent than in previous generations. Lots of my students say their parents talk that way at home, which I find hard to hack. Keeping profanity laws doesn't bother me at all. I don't go to the park to hear people curse. I don't go to school to hear the kids curse. When did I become such a grown-up???

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