
teaching meme

1. I am a good teacher because... I try to talk to and treat students as if they are people and I value them. I think it's important for them to see that I am a human being, going through trials and tribulations like they are, minus the hormonal angst--oh, maybe not minus it, but it's hormonal angst on another level.

2. If I weren’t a teacher, I would be... I have no idea. I worked at Shop'n Save for a very long time because it was easy and safe. I think, now though, that I would look for something a bit more professional. I've often thought that I would like to go into counseling.

3. My teaching style is... relaxed. I try to keep the pressure off even when it's a tight pressure time. I think having relaxed students keeps the good juju flowing.

4. My classroom is... organized chaos. The student are is neat and tight. My desk and *cough*storage*cough* areas are overwhelmingly cluttered. I don't know what or how to organize the stuff, though. I could use a room makeover. Maybe Nate Berkus could fix it up??

5. My lesson plans are... uhm, nonexistant?

6. One of my teaching goals is... connect with every student that walks in the door.

7. The toughest part of teaching is... all the political stuff that happens outside the classroom. I'm all about the history, not the testing. bah!

8. The thing I love most about teaching is... when someone "gets" whatever we're talking about. For instance, Samara really is into the stock market project and she was really negative about it going into it. Phil was joking today that he can whip through the election of 1828 map. Another student commented that the daily mapping made the Colorado winter storms more interesting.

9. A common misconception about teaching is... it's easy and teachers sit around all day. Or that teachers get the summer off--there may not be students around but that's when all the heavy stuff is done. double bah!

10. The most important thing I’ve learned since I started teaching is... patience. And, it takes a LOT of effort to make it look easy.

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