
ten things tuesday

10 Things I Wish I Could Un-Learn:

1) The lyrics to my earworm--I'm sorry to do this to you:  "Love and Affection" by Nelson

2) The lyrics to every television show from the 70s through the 90s.  

3) Name the US states in reverse alphabetical order.

4) There is a pond in Russia with no frogs or tadpoles. (Why do I know this?)

6) Rotary, landline phone numbers from childhood.

7) How to solve a Rubik's cube.  Once a major fad, now taking up precious memory muscle space.

8) Commercial jingles.  The composers deserve all the accolades because they stuck in my head.

9) Developing 35mm film.  I think of the chemicals I inhaled...

10) I wish I could unlearn conventional beauty standards.

1 comment:

The Gal Herself said...

I love this! I'd be happy to go through my brain as if it were my desktop and toss folders I no longer need. For example, on Three's Company, Chrissy was replaced first by Cindy and then by Teri. I find my complete inability to delete this frustrating because I NEVER WATCHED THREE'S COMPANY! I do not know how I learned this, and why I cannot forget it.