

I am...

Reading:  Undercover Bromance by Lyssa Kay Adams

Listening to:  nothing

Loving:  I have found compression socks that work for me

I'm thinking:   about the week--I have meetings every day after school and an evening meeting on Wednesday

I am feeling:  my eyes are irritated tonight, beyond the central serous chorioretinopathy 

Celebrating:  my students were so cute today--they had a major assignment due and were so wound up about turning it in on time (they made Roaring Twenties podcasts)

Grateful for:  doing what I love and loving what I'm doing

Enjoying:  great colleagues

Weather: currently 17° and lightly snowing

A quote I want to share


Stacy said...

I found some compression socks I thought were great. They helped me through the day, but every time I wore them I'd have horrible leg cramps at night after taking them off.

The Gal Herself said...

30º here and finally snowing. We've been in the 20's with icy rain for what seems like forever that I'm delighted to see the white stuff.