
self-care sunday

I am struggling with depression and anxiety and ennui.  But I know the holiday season is upon me.  I'm going to do the following to help myself during the next month

1) Go to bed earlier than 9 o'clock.
2)  Drink an extra bottle of water.
3) Use my walker to enter the school building and return to my car.
4) Unplug an hour before going to bed.
5) Send my holiday packages by Saturday the 14th.
6) Participate in social activities even when I don't want to.

1 comment:

The Gal Herself said...

My favorite former Cub manager used to talk to kids about the power of hydration and sleep. Not just for ball players, for everyone. He believed it had an impact on judgement. I thought of him as I scrolled through your list. I think it's great that you are being proactive. #6 is important for me. Sunday I realized I was feeling very low energy, very unproductive, and on the way home from grocery shopping I stuck my head into the card shop, even though it's my day off. Making myself socialize is important. So I get you today. You're being very wise.