
ten things tuesday

Ten things about today:

Two things that I am grateful for today:
1.  It was a glorious, sunny day with a light breeze.
2. I was well-prepared for my meeting after school.

Two things that made today great:
3. I wore a comfortable outfit.

4.  My feet and ankles don't hurt.

Two things I did well today:
5.  Hooked my sociology students!
6.  Rolled out a project with my APUSH 11 students.

Two things that I could have done better today:
7.  I could have cleaned off my desk.
8.  I could have entered grades.

Two things I will do to make the rest of the day great:
9.  I will run the air conditioner in my bedroom to cool it off.
10.  I will go to bed early-ish.

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