I am...
Reading: the instruction manual for the air fryer that was delivered today
Listening to: You Like It Darker by Stephen King--so far they aren't horror stories but they sure are creepy!
Loving: how I feel right now. It's been a fast July! I'm proud of myself for sticking to my goals.
Thinking: it concerns me that the Olympics' opening ceremony has stirred up and offended so many people who in their outrage did not verify what they were outraged about. Maybe my "woke snowflake-ism" makes me investigate the whole story. But it startles me that people I know jumped on the outrage bandwagon.
Feeling: the "welcome back to school" letter was in my inbox today. I've had a very relaxing summer and I've completed a lot of work for school; I'm not dreading returning, but retirement is looking better and better. 3 years...
Celebrating: other than working for about an hour on school stuff, I have a wide open day.
Grateful for: grocery delivery service--I tried Walmart+ for a month and canceled it because I thought it was too expensive for how I used it, but got a promotional half-price offer and couldn't refuse. Now I love having groceries delivered. I need to explore other benefits.
Enjoying: my air conditioner! I finally needed to use it.
Weather: currently 80° and sunny
A quote I want to share:
It is time, once again, for the August Happiness Challenge! Thanks to The Gal Herself!
Here's a brief explanation of the Challenge: "Each day in August you are to post about something that makes *you* happy. Pretty simple. And, it doesn't even have to be every day if you don't want it to be. It's a great way to remind ourselves that there are positive things going on in our lives, our communities, and the world."
You're invited to join me. Visit me with a link to your daily happy, and I'll come read it. I've found that experiencing other peoples' everyday pleasures is a great mood lifter.
It helps if your Happiness Challenge posts are marked with an icon. Just something that means "happy" to you. (I have yet to make my icon for 2024.)
1 comment:
Look at me! I've been quoted!
I didn't watch the Olympics but boy, I heard about that opening ceremony. I always thought part of being a good Christian was to assume good intent. Not anymore. Now it seems to be, "feel outrage now, investigate later (or not at all)."
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