

The move is mostly done.  I'm settling into the new place and getting used to its noises and rhythms. I was so focused on putting items for donation in the kitchen that I neglected to actually pack up the kitchen.  So here I am on my first night with nothing to eat on or with and few options in the freezer. Ah well.  A junk removal service is coming Sunday to clear out the remnants.  And a local charity shop is coming Tuesday to clear out all the donations--furniture, appliances, books, clothing, on and on.

I don't know how I feel.  I'm overwhelmed.  Most people can't say that they have lived in one home for half their life.

1 comment:

The Gal Herself said...

I lived in my tiny apartment for 25 years and I moved when I was 44, so I get you. I totally get you. I remember I spent the last night in my apartment sleeping beside a PBS duffle (pledge drive) filled with dirty clothes because I'd gotten rid of my hamper and didn't have time to do a last load of wash. That morning I just jammed my pjs, bedsheets and bath towels into the duffle. I wasn't sure if this was efficient, or sad.

I hope that thinking about how happy your donations will make others makes you happy. It sounds like you have rehomed A LOT. I bet some of it will go to a young woman just starting out and moving into her first place. You'll be part of her new life adventure.