

I am...

Listening to: the new sounds of my new neighborhood

Loving:  I'm not pressuring myself to unpack, I'm going to be very mindful and probably will have more charity donations soon

Thinking:  I will be relieved when Wednesday is over--I will have nothing to do with my old landlord anymore

Feeling:  utterly exhausted

Celebrating: a new attitude for decluttering in my new space

Grateful for:  the help from my oldest sister and bestie--I truly would not have been able to do this without them

Enjoying:  taking a little break in my comfy recliner

Weather:  it is 19° and cloudy--there were swirling fluffy snowflakes when I was out and about a little while ago

A quote I want to share
"The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned." ~Maya Angelou

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