
saturday 9

The Christmas Blues

I had to post this early since I will be out of touch this weekend--I'll try to visit everyone's post soon!

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) In this song, Dean Martin sings that the streets are white with snow. Do you anticipate a White Christmas this year? I think so--although it's been unusually warm

2) He tells us he's done plenty of window shopping this season. Do you find you're influenced by a retailer's window dressing and store decor? Are you more motivated by price? Or do you do most of your shopping online, making holiday decorations irrelevant? Oh, I love window dressing and store decor!  I especially like buying from small businesses, too.
3) Dean was born in Steubenville, OH. Though he rarely returned to his hometown, it was in his thoughts during the holidays. Every Christmas he made like Santa and sent toys to hospitalized children in the Steubenville area. Are there toys on your shopping list this year? no, my great-nephews are getting gift certificates to the bookstore

4) He had fast hands when it came to cards and before he was famous he worked as a dealer in Atlantic City. When you play cards, what's your favorite game? my Virginia sister and I have a 40-year-long grudge match of Spite & Malice and it's my favorite card game

5) Dean Martin was an avid reader ... of comic books. Especially in bed when he was on the road and couldn't sleep. Much as he enjoyed comic books, he was embarrassed by them. What do you do when you can't sleep? I usually scroll through Instagram

Now let's have a few holiday-specific questions:
6) Every year, the United States Postal Service introduces special holiday stamps. Do you purchase them? not usually
7) Do you have a funny/ugly holiday sweater? I have a sweater that I think is ugly but when I wear it I get lots of genuine compliments
8) Do you wrap your presents or use gift bags? mostly gift bags

9) We're doing Christmas karaoke! What holiday or winter-themed song will you perform? the song that's stuck on repeat in my head is The Holiday Season/Happy Holidays


Susan said...

You should share a picture of the sweater and let us decide. Have a great weekend!

The Gal Herself said...

Books are the BEST gift. Is the love of books a family thing with you guys?

That Andy Williams song is my absolute favorite.

Cathy said...

I agree with Susan, we need to see the sweater.

CountryDew said...

Happy holidays! Happy holidays! While the merry merry bells keep ringing, happy holidays, to you! That song? That one can be an ear worm.

Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!

Diana_CT said...

#2 I remember when I was little going to New York City and looking at all the window Christmas displays.
#9 I have a folder of Christmas songs that play each year. (I strip the song track from videos… Andy just got ripped!)

songbird's crazy world said...

If you’re going to have an ear worm, at least it’s a decent song

Bev Sykes said...

Books are my favorite gift to give (and receive), but I never know what my granddaughters (who are avid readers) are reading, so I'm giving them money this year.

Lori said...

I would love to see your sweater. Do you have an ugly sweater day at school? We are doing Santa hats, Christmas shirts, Christmas pajamas and Christmas socks.
Gift card to a bookstore! I would love that gift. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend. ♥


Stacy said...

I love the idea of a white Christmas in Maine! I loved the state...though I suspect I wouldn't be the biggest fan in the winter. Your nephews are lucky to get gift certificates to the book store. Everyone knows I love to read but nobody ever gets me gift certificates or even a book. What's up with that?? Loved reading your answers. If I don't get the chance again, Merry Christmas!