
sunday stealing

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A - Ambition:  mastering a system to detect AI use in the classroom

B - Birthday: last Sunday

C - Computer: Acer Aspire

D - Dream: retire from teaching to work at the public library

E - Exercise: I don't and I know I should

F - Favorite Food: the humble potato

G - Garden:  last summer's container tomato garden was a failure because I was gone for four weeks

H - Hobby:  knitting, buying yarn, reading, managing 2 book groups

I - Idol: my dad--he's pretty amazing

J - Job:  high school social studies teacher, mentor, department chair, curriculum leader, certification committee member, and union representative

K - Kids:  this trimester I have 75

L - Location: the Crown of Maine

M - Military: both of my brothers-in-law are former military

N - Name or Nickname: Kwizgiver

O - Optimist or Pessimist: Realist--although if forced to choose, I am more of an optimist

P - Pets: Flat Fido

Q - Quote: Nevermore

R - Reads: The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store by James McBride and Not The Witch You Wed by April Asher

S - School: every weekday

T - Travel:  I'm planning a road trip to Central Maine on Friday 

U - Unfulfilled ambition: I can't think of anything other than retiring

V - Vacation spot: any place with a comfortable bed

W - Wardrobe: business casual with a touch of boho

X - X-tra facts about me: although I am exceptionally patient I do not suffer fools

Y - Years online: I've had my AOL email address since 1994

Z - Zodiac sign: Scorpio


Roger Owen Green said...

I love visiting Maine!

Plastic Mancunian said...

I quite fancy working in a library.

Yup - I want to retire too.

Happy birthday (for last week).




Bev Sykes said...

yes, we feel the same way about exercise.

I hope your 75 students aren't in one class! I remember when there were 60 in my sister's grammar school class.

Stacy said...

Oooo...a system to detect AI use. Timely! Is it something already developed or are you trying to come up with it yourself. Either way, good for you. By the way, I love Pinterest, too. I do use a lot of what I pin for work and a few recipes or sometimes blogging hints, but any craft stuff...yeah, not happening on the home front.

CountryDew said...

I've had my AOL address for about that long, too. I don't think you'll ever get the AI thing worked out. It's here, it's already running wild in the world.

**Syl said...

Just saw a program on TV about AI.
Imagine...being old and the only companion is a robot.
It doesn't feel good...

Antonio said...

I'm writing from Ohio, Columbus precisely. I was diagnosed with brain cancer in August of 2010 and my wife breast cancer, A precious friend (African American) told me about Dr Jekawo A traditional herbal doctor in West Africa,She gave me his contact number and email address,I contacted him quickly so he give me guaranty that his herbal medicine will cure my brain cancer,my wife breast cancer and herpes completely that we will be heal forever I said Okay.I ask him about the process for the cure,he ask me to pay for the herbal medicines preparation which i did and within 7 working days he sent me the herbal medicine then he instructed me on how to drink it for 21 days to cure.I told Eric my friend about the herbal medicine so he gave me go ahead to drink it.So after I and my wife drinking for 21 days we were cured completely, I'm so grateful and i promise i will recommend anyone with herpes or cancer to reach this great herbal doctor and that what i'm doing.
Dr Jekawo told me he can cure the following disease.Cancer,Hiv/Aids,Herpes,Diabetes,Parkison,Copd,Hepatitis.. Here Is His Contact Info......[drjekawo@gmail.com] thank you so much for this great opportunity.