
friday 5

  1. When did you most recently feel you should be dancing? I bought a 30-second Dance Party button and played it with different classes.  They humor me...
  2. What hot stuff have you recently consumed? after school, I burned my tongue on hot hash browns (I had a weird craving)
  3. What kind of side-hustle would be fun to try? it would be fun to try being a remote personal assistant
  4. What were some of this summer’s good times? spending 3 weeks in Virginia was awesome!
  5. What are your plans for Saturday night? attending a local theater production


Kim said...

I love your answers! I have a remote PA for my author stuff, and that girl WORKS. She has a lot of authors she PA's for at different levels, and she's amazing. Mad respect for how much she does for her client list! <3

Kimberly @ kimberussell.com said...

Now I want hash browns...