
friday 5


  1. During which specific hour of the day are you likeliest to be happy? from 9-11 in the morning
  2. Which food-beverage pairings do you feel strongest about? I am a sucker for coffee (preferably iced) and chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting
  3. Do you enjoy (or have you enjoyed) socializing with coworkers? yes!  I love hanging out with my work bestie
  4. When did you last try something different (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) to drink? I really can't remember
  5. What’s your favorite way to unwind after a long day of doing whatever you do during the day? reclining in my comfy chair and noodling around on the internet or reading


Kim said...

As much as I love coffee and iced tea, I can't stand iced coffee. Weird, I know!!

Kimberly @ kimberussell.com said...

Coffee and chocolate cake is a solid, classic pairing.