
ten things tuesday

Ten questions as seen at Brewing Up Books:

1. The obvious one, why do you blog? I like the challenge of daily memes

2. What elements and genres do your favorite books contain? I like a lot of tropes--but I love detective novels

3. So you’re lost at sea, and you have three books. One of them you use to paddle, the other to shield you from the sun and the last to keep in your arms and cherish forever. what are the three books you have and which one will be used for what? I would use The Poisonwood Bible as a paddle, A Day In The Life of America as a sun shield (because it's an oversized book), and Bel Canto by Ann Patchett because it's a favorite

4. Name a book that you couldn’t finish and why? Cloud Cuckoo Land --the wrong book at the wrong time

5. Who is your favorite author, the one that you absolutely HAVE to read all the books she/he writes? Ann Patchett, Louise Penny, and Stephen King

6. Your BBF? (best book boyfriend <3) Chief Inspector Armand Gamache

7. Would you rather be an author, agent, editor or a famous reviewer? I'd like to be a famous reviewer

8. What is that one book you’ll never let anyone lay a hand on? The Dogs of Babel disturbed me

9. Do you hate it when publishers change the covers in the middle of a series? YES!

10. Hardcover, Paperback or ebook??? ebook and audiobook

1 comment:

The Gal Herself said...

I'm so glad we aren't in competition! You're in love with Gamache while I know Andy Carpenter and I are meant to be together. Do you suppose Andy will be disappointed when I become the next First Lady of Canada?