
ten things tuesday happiness challenge

Combining the Ten Things Tuesday list with the first day of the August Happiness Challenge...

Ten happy things:

1)  Selecting a book group book that everyone enjoys.  Although some of our best discussions come from reasons why we don't connect with a book, I still get a thrill when people enjoy the book I select.

2)  Perfectly made Dunkin' iced coffee.

3)  Waking up without the alarm on days I have nothing particular planned.

4)  Staying up late.  I sometimes feel like I'm getting away with something when I stay up past midnight (last night I was up until 2 am).

5)  Process knitting.  Knitting to knit--such as dishcloths--that aren't pattern dependent.  I also think of it as popcorn knitting, mindless knitting, and instant gratification knitting.  Lately, I've wanted to knit just to knit.

6)  Fresh school supplies.  Precisely sharpened pencils, brand new pens, colored pencils, post-it notes, index cards... oh, how I love fresh school supplies!

7)  Not dressing to impress.  Comfortable jeans.  Comfortable shoes.  Sundresses.  Wearing what feels good.  

8)  Long conversations--whether in person, video chat, text, sometimes on the phone, and whatever medium works.  

9)  Spontaneous road trips.

10) Thinking about things that make me happy.


The Gal Herself said...

I am so with you on #4 and #8. (Have you noticed time seems to go faster after midnight?)


CountryDew said...

I love office supplies, too!