
saturday 9


1) In this song, Paul McCartney sings to Michelle in French, "Sont des mots qui vont très bien ensemble." Can you say anything else in French? Oui, je parle un peu français  (it took forever for me to find that letter c)

2) Paul admits that, as a teenager, he'd perform the first few bars at parties to impress girls. It was John Lennon who encouraged him to "turn it into a proper song." Tell us about a time you were glad you took advice from a friend or coworker. I am glad that a friend told me about the teaching job opening and I pursued it.  26 years and going strong!
3) A big Elvis fan, Paul is proud to own the bass that was played on the 1954 recording of "That's Alright, Mama." Tell us about one of your prized possessions. My oldest sister gave me a Willow Tree figurine that means a great deal to me.

4) John was also an Elvis fan and honored The King by naming one of his cats Elvis. Do you share your home with any pets? If so, let us know their names. I share my home with dust bunnies who will remain unnamed.

5) John was a heavy smoker who often attempted to quit. He tried hypnosis but that didn't work. Have you ever been hypnotized? I have attempted hypnosis several times to no avail.

6) George Harrison fell in love with Hawaii and bought a 63-acre estate. If you could take off tomorrow for a vacation to any of our 50 states, which one would you choose? Pennsylvania since I didn't get to visit with my sister over the summer.

6) While Ringo Starr quit signing autographs for fans in 2008, he will donate autographed memorabilia to charity for auction. Have you ever bid on an item at auction? Did you win? I have only bid on piddly things on Ebay.  And I won some.
7) As a young boy, Ringo had a severe case of appendicitis and his appendix was removed. Do you still have your appendix? I do
8) In 1965 -- before Advil and Tylenol and Aleve -- Americans took aspirin to relieve pain. If we peered into your medicine chest, would we find aspirin? I am not sure if I have any pain medicine in my medicine chest

9) Random question: You're at dinner with a married couple who begins to argue. Would you intercede and try to make peace? Or would you just sit back and mind your own business? If we're friends, I might tell them they are making me uncomfortable.


songbird's crazy world said...

I hope you get to go to Pennsylvania soon

Twindaddy said...

What were you trying to accomplish with hypnosis?

Diana_CT said...

#3 The best “prized possessions” are the ones attached to memories.
#5 I got a good nap out of the hypnosis session for $75.

Stacy said...

Yay, Pennsylvania! I hope you get to visit your sister soon and I'm a bit partial to the state. :)

Bev Sykes said...

I don't name my dust bunnies either.

zippiknits...sometimes said...

My dust bunnies all have names. lol
I use the iPad for all the Diacritical's. ;) So much easier than a laptop or desk top.

**Syl said...

Haha...dust bunnies!!

I hope you're able to visit your sister.