
saturday 9


Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here

1) Legend has it that Paul Anka wrote this song about his favorite babysitter. In your younger days, did you make a little extra money as a sitter? I was actually a very sought-after sitter, I had regular families.  I paid for my first year of college with babysitting money.

2) Paul sings he doesn't care what "they" say about his love for an older girl. Have you ever had a romantic relationship that your friends or family didn't approve of? yes--my college years

3) Paul was once a choirboy, singing with the St. Elias Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral choir in Ontario. Have you ever performed with your church choir? yes--both the senior choir and the folk group (hey, it was the 80s)

4) When Paul was 15, he left Ontario to find fame and fortune in New York. He had $100 in his pocket, a gift from his uncle. Tell us about someone in your life who believed in you and encouraged you.  One of my dad's friends, also a teacher, was a life-long mentor to me

5) Paul seldom gets credit for one of his most familiar compositions: the theme to The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson. Since Johnny retired in 1992, The Tonight Show has been hosted by Jay Leno, Conan O'Brien, and Jimmy Fallon. Which of these Tonight Show hosts is your favorite? I haven't watched them

6) In 1978, Paul Anka hired Las Vegas' first female bartender for his restaurant, Jubilation. Where did you most recently dine out? Confectionately Yours--a little bistro

7) In 1957, when "Diana" was a hit, Wham-O began producing Frisbees. The toy was a massive success, even outselling the hula hoop. Do you enjoy tossing a Frisbee? no, I don't like playing with Frisbee

8) Also in 1957, the book Peyton Place was made into a blockbuster film. Book lovers often say that, no matter what, the movie is never as good as the book. Do you think that's true? it's generally true

9) Random question: This Saturday, the treat's on Sam. Will you have buttered popcorn, caramel corn or cheese popcorn? I'm in the mood for buttered popcorn


CountryDew said...

I always wished for a good mentor. Never had one, though (not counting teachers, who changed from year to year). That's a relationship to cherish.

The Gal Herself said...

You were quite the performer! Singing in choirs and a folk group ... and then there was your dj stint. I bet it was all good preparation for being in front of a class.

Diana_CT said...

#1 It was amazing back then babysitting could pay for a semester in college, my summer job paid enough for a year’s tuition.
#5 I watch Johnny now in reruns.
#6 What cute name for a restaurant.