2) He tells his prospective lover there's no need to be flirty. Are you a good flirt? no, I'm awkward
3) He refers to the nighttime soap opera Dynasty. Were you a fan? I preferred Knotts Landing
4) "Kiss" was recorded at Sunset Sound Recorders in Hollywood. Built by Walt Disney Studio, it's the studio where the soundtracks to Mary Poppins and 101 Dalmatians were recorded. When you think of Disney movies, what's the first song that comes to mind?
Salagadoola mechicka boolaBibbidi-bobbidi-booPut them together and what have you got?Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo…
5) Prince said he was "obsessed" with Mozart and read everything he could find about the master. Do you often read biographies? If yes, who was the last one about? I don't read many biographies but I like memoirs and autobiographies
6) He loved snacking while watching a movie in the theater and would mix Goobers (chocolate-covered peanuts) with his popcorn. When you go to the movies, do you visit the concession counter? occasionally I'll get water
7) In 1986, when this song was popular, Peewee's Playhouse premiered. While ostensibly for children, this show had many, many adult viewers. Do you ever watch kids' shows today? I can't think of any
8) Also in 1986, Sears shoppers were painting their interior walls with "Country Clover," a pale beige with a hint of pink. What color is the room you're in right now? a creamy white
9) Random question: Do you enjoy pressing the pedal to the metal and driving fast? I do, indeed
Now I have "Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo" running through my head, which is fun.
Cinderella was always one of my favorites
Disney does have some interesting songs. I had a hard time answering that question, though.
#4 It took a while to figure out the song, the last time that I saw Cinderella was probably when it was on Disney’s Wonderful World of Color.
Oh no! An earworm! lol I like that one though.. ;)
And if I lived in the country I might still be speeding along with the top down. I drove my mother's HOT HOT Olds 88 convertible on the back country roads, home from college and high school. Ah the memories...
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