
saturday 9

Happy Holidays!
(from the archives)

1. As you can see, when Sam Winters was a little girl, she loved giving her annual wish list to Santa. If you could ask Santa for anything at all, right now, what would it be? improved health

2. Are you currently on the Naughty or Nice list? How did you get there? I feel like I'm on the naughty list but it's all a mistake

3. Are you traveling this Christmas? If so, are you going by car, plane or train? If I spend the holiday with family, I'll drive

4.  Did you send any presents out of town? If so, what was it and how far did it travel? I sent one package to Pennsylvania

5. Did you buy yourself a gift this year? I did not (yet)

6. What's your favorite holiday-themed movie or TV special? Have you seen it yet this year? this year I'm going with the rom-com The Holiday and I haven't watched it yet

7. Which do you prefer: a hollow chocolate Santa or a chunk of fudge? a chunk of fudge

8. Close your eyes and tell us the first carol that comes to mind. Silent Night

9. What's your favorite winter beverage? I guess it would be peppermint tea or hot cocoa


Lori said...

I hope you get to spend time with family. Loved your answers! Merry Christmas! Have a nice weekend.


The Gal Herself said...

I think you need to take this up with The Big Guy and get your classification changed! You don't deserve to feel crappy on Christmas.

CountryDew said...

I'm sorry you're not feeling well. I hope it's nothing serious!