New Attitude
1) In this song, Patti Labelle sings that she feels good from her hat to her shoes. Do you often wear hats or caps? I do not although I have quite a few hats I've knit
2) The lyrics tell us that Patti's worries are few. Is anything particular bothering you as you answer these questions? I have the hiccups
3) The video for this song takes place in a high-end boutique. What's the most recent article of new clothing you bought, and where did you buy it? I just received a Land's End order today! I bought a peasant blouse
4) In 2019, a street in Philadelphia was renamed "Patti LaBelle Way." At the ceremony, she was referred to as "The Godmother of Soul." Do you have godparents? If yes, tell us about them. My godmother is my mother's only living sister and she lives in Alabama
5) Patti dropped out of high school during her senior year. When she was in her mid-30s, she went to night school and earned her diploma. Do you have any diplomas or certificates framed and displayed in your home or office? no
6) Patti was once engaged to Otis Williams, founder of the Motown super group The Temptations. Who is your favorite Motown recording artist? (Here is a list.) from the '80s: Michael McDonald
7) A diabetic herself, Patti has volunteered her time to organizations that fight the disease. Do you know anyone currently dealing with diabetes? I do not
8) In 1984, when this song was popular, Angela Lansbury premiered in Murder, She Wrote, a show still seen in reruns today. Were you a fan? I was although the horrible fake Down East accents were cringe-worthy
9) Random question: What's your secret to a good night's sleep? a meditative body scan
9) Random question: What's your secret to a good night's sleep? a meditative body scan
#3 I have been looking for a winter coat at either LL Bean or Lands End.
#8 I thought the same thing about the accent, especially the sheriff.
Michael McDonald is a good choice. "I Keep Forgetting"
I hope your hiccups are gone by now. Those things hurt!
#4 -- I think that's sweet and I hope you're in touch.
Hiccups are such a pain! I get them all the time and they are the big loud kind that are really uncomfortable.
I haven't had hiccups in a long time. I saw Michael McDonald in concert a few years ago with Chaka Khan.
I love the songs and arrangements of Mike McDonald. The Doobie Brothers are my favorite group of all times!
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