
sunday stealing

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Summery things

 1. Favorite thing to do during the summer? read on the porch

2. Favorite cold food/dessert/drink that gets you through the summer heat? strawberries

3. Gone to a drive-in movie yes

4. What are you planning to do this summer? I've got a trip to the botanical gardens coming up

5. Did the pandemic ruin any summer plans? If so, what? nothing ruined but some rescheduled

6. Rode on any water mobile (jetski, ferry, boat, etc) yes--to get to my friend's Chebeague summer home there is a ferry ride

7. Gone to a summer camp no

8. Been to any asian country (if not, where would you go and why? if yes, where was your favorite?) no, I have no desire to travel to Asia

9. Been to any african country (if not, where would you go and why? if yes, where was your favorite and why?) I would like to go to a few countries

10. Been to any north american country (if not, where would you go and why? if yes, where was your favorite and why?) Canada is a fifteen-minute drive and we go there frequently when Covid restrictions aren't in place

11. Been to any south american country (if not, where would you go and why? if yes, where was your favorite and why?) no, I haven't yet

12. Been to any australian country (if not, where would you go and why? if yes, where was your favorite and why?) I'd like to go to Australia

13. Gone to a festival/fair yes--one summer I went to several Maine festivals

14. Gone to an amusement park yes

15. Binge watched 5 different TV show series (what were they) I haven't binged five


The Gal Herself said...

I think I might like Australia, too. I like the idea of compulsory voting. Then we wouldn't have all this MAGA/Big Lie nonsense. Their public transportation is supposed to be very easy to navigate. It's just, holy shit, that's far away! A DAY ON THE PLANE! I don't know that I could handle that. So you go first, Kwiz, and report back in detail. (Post pictures of your hotel, too.)

Plastic Mancunian said...

#8. Asia is wonderful and a little bit of a culture shock - but I think you would love it.




CountryDew said...

I hadn't binged 5 TV shows, either. I don't generally binge-watch TV.

Roger Owen Green said...

Yes to strawberry everything. Strawberry ice cream, strawberry shortcake, strawberry milkshake...