
saturday 9


1) This song is a toast. Have you ever performed an official toast (at a wedding, a graduation, a retirement party, etc.)? I have not

2) According to Maroon 5 lead singer Adam Levine, this is a "toast to the ones here today." Tell us about someone in your life that you're especially grateful for. I am so happy and grateful for my dad and stepmom--they continue to guide me and inspire me

3) Levine is the song's composer. He said he was compelled to write it, to help him cope with the death of a friend. His lyrics acknowledge that "everybody hurts sometimes." What advice would you share with someone who is struggling? Feel the feelings but don't dwell on them

4) Adam Levine was one of the original judges on The Voice. Are you a fan of the show? I used to watch regularly

5) Among his friends, Adam is known to be an excellent Scrabble player. Is there a game you're particularly good at (or you especially enjoy)? I am excellent at Balderdash, it is my favorite

6) Though he's a multi-Grammy winner, Adam wasn't always successful. In fact, he was fired after just three hours at his first job as a waiter. Have you ever had a job that just wasn't a good fit? I have--I was a lousy waitress (but I always got good tips so there's that) 

7) In 2019, when this song was released, Joaquin Phoenix gave his Oscar-winning performance in Joker. Heath Ledger also won an Oscar for is portrayal of the same character in a different film, and Cesar Romero was The Joker on TV. Today The Batman is doing great business at the box office. Do you have a favorite super hero, or arch villain? no, not really but I have a fun activity that my psychology students do where they create a superhero, sidekick, or arch villain from brain parts (they have to describe the injury to the brain part to explain how they got their superpower)

8) Also in 2019, two familiar names had books on NY Times best seller list: John Grisham with The Guardians and Janet Evanovich with Twisted Twenty Six. Are either of these authors among your favorites? I've read a lot of Grisham's early work and a few Evanovich books

9) Random Question: What's something you wish you'd figured out earlier?
I wish I figured out how to not take things to heart (not necessarily taking things personally, but feeling them deeply)


Lori said...

Superheroes are fun. Last year when they had me teaching computers, I had the kids do a superhero poster and share their superhero and their powers with the class. They loved it. It went along with being a technology superhero, so being a good citizen online.

CountryDew said...

It's ok to take things to heart, though if you're like me, it means your heart is not whole and more like sieve.

Me, Myself, and I said...

#9--kind of like detaching with love, isn't it? Took me FOREVER to figure that one out. And way too much therapy, lol.

Bev Sykes said...

I've never heard of Balderdash. these days, if it's not a computer game, I won't have an opportunity to play it.

The Gal Herself said...

#7 sounds fascinating.

zippiknits...sometimes said...

Without a caring heart you are just not a whole human. Its imperative that we take heart at as much as possible.

That game you made up for your class. It sounds amazing. It makes them really think about what empathy and other emotions take to create a kind person.

I like John Grisham books a lot. Evanovich somewhat.
Enjoy the weekend, my knitterly friend.