

I am...

Reading:  How To Marry Keanu Reeves in 90 Days by K.M. Jackson

Listening to: Once There Were Wolves by Charlotte McConaghy

LovingI was able to pick up some groceries for Dad--he's on the mend!

Thinking:  Sting is going to be in concert in Central Maine in September--I want to see him again!!!!

Feeling:  I'm pooped!  It was a busy day.

Celebrating:  the fruits of my labor--I knocked several chores off my to-do list today

Grateful for: friends and family

Weather:  it is 30° and mostly cloudy

Enjoying:  even though I detest morning duty--being able to leave at 2:45 is nice

A quote I want to share:

1 comment:

Me, Myself, and I said...

Glad to hear Dad is on the mend!