
ten things tuesday

 Questions I modified from The Healthy Maven:

1. What were highlights from 2021 where I’ve felt deep gratitude? the biggest thing is that my sisters, parents, and I are healthy--no one has had long-term Covid
2. What have been my greatest learnings from this past year?  definitely patience and resilience--oh! and not to be afraid or intimidated by new technology
3. How did I grow as an individual over 2021? I'm more mindful
4. What were the best decisions I made in 2021? holding firm to some work boundaries
5. When did I feel the most alive? when I was laughing with my family
6. When did I feel the most exhausted? all year--this has been a more challenging school year than last year was
7. What were the low points of 2021? the social media shitstorm that started last week has escalated--and this is definitely the low point of the year
8. What one thing would I do differently and why? I would pay more attention to my bank account
9. In what ways was I ‘waiting’ to get ______? to be honest, I thought that Covid would be under control after this summer; even though variants were predicted, I thought we'd go back to life as pre-pandemic normal.  Is that even possible anymore?
10. Who really made an impact on my life in 2021? Write down why you’re grateful for them and the role they played this past year.  My Breakfast Club friends have hands-down kept me sane this year.  I mean that literally.  Their friendship, understanding, processing, and advice have kept me from freaking out.  They've been the people I've unburdened to.  When things are pent up inside, they are my go-to people.  No judgement.


The Gal Herself said...

#1 -- I'm glad everyone is healthy but what is "long-term Covid?"

#8 -- You and me both!

#10 -- I love this! You sound like Carrie talking about Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte.

The Gal Herself said...

PS I can't find anything about your social media shitstorm. I hope you're OK.

zippiknits...sometimes said...

Laughing with your family. That’s beautiful. Hope you have lots and lots of this in the new year. Happy New Year to you all! ❤️🎉🍾🥂