

I am...

ReadingThe Cottage on Pumpkin and Vine--a frothy trilogy of Halloween romances

Listening to:  sirens on Main Street

Loving:  today was picture day at school and my hair looks awesome!  I hope I don't look like a hag for my ID badge.

Thinking:  hmmm... it's getting dark earlier and earlier in the afternoon

Feeling:  my guts are still in turmoil from the heavy-duty antibiotics I took for two weeks--I thought I would be back to normal by now (yes, I'm taking probiotics plus eating yogurt)

 I paid off my last credit card!  No more credit card debt!

Grateful for:  a sense of calm I can summon when people around me are spinning out of whack

Weather:  it is 49° and cloudy

Enjoying:  the scent of baking cookies

A quote I want to share

1 comment:

The Gal Herself said...

Sorry you're still not 100%. Antibiotics are tricky. I hope you're feeling better again soon.