friday 5

- For what ability do you seem to have a natural gift? I am a very intuitive listener
- What’s pretty good about the present moment? Vacation mode--I'm starting to recover from the past year and a half of school: teaching during a pandemic is challenging and I hope to never do it again!
- What nearby, everyday object would be a good symbolic bequest to someone in your life? I would leave all of my knitting supplies to my Virginia sister and all my photos to my Pennsylvania sister and all my jewelry to my local sister
- What recognitions, large or small, have been bestowed upon you? I've had a few teaching awards
- What was your most recent charitable donation? I donated to the Brooklyn Public Library during their matching campaign last week--the membership I got myself is the best present I've ever gotten myself!
I think there is a level of intuitive listening necessary to be a teacher. And being a teacher takes a special person. My mom and grandmother were teachers, and my son is in college to teach now. I am not that person, so kudos to those of you who are!
#4 -- Good for you, Ms. Kwiz.
Congrats on the teaching awards. I probably said this here before, but my husband is a teacher and my mom is a retired teacher and oh my goodness I could never do what you all do.
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