*Grab a book, any book.
*Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader (If you have to improvise, that's ok.)
*Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it)
*Post it.
I'm reading One By One
From page 27:
Ten minutes later I am standing in the open doorway of Chalet Perce-Neige, tray of glasses in one hand, watching a little group staggering and sliding down the path from the funicular to the porch. None of them are wearing suitable shoes, and they've not mastered how to walk in snow, with short steps and your weight thrown forward, not back. One of them, a very good-looking black guy, is carrying what looks like--yes, it is. It's an empty bottle of Krug. Great. They're already drunk.
Although this wasn't my favorite Ruth Ware novel, I did enjoy it. I hope you are enjoying it too! Have a great weekend!
I would like to read this one! Happy Easter weekend!
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