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1. A person I’m glad to have in my life. I am lucky to have a lot of great people in my life. My downstairs neighbor is a prime example--we've actually been friends for longer than thirty years but have been neighbors for maybe 8, anyhow, she is always there for me if I should ever need anything, and knowing that brings me great comfort.
2. Something I find comfort in. having supportive friends, as in #1
3. My favorite part of the morning the sweet spot when coffee tastes delicious and kicks in
4. My favorite memory I have too many favorites!
5. An accomplishment I’m proud of I am very proud of my professional reputation
6. An opportunity I’m grateful for last week I had the opportunity to re-write the dress code policy at school--making it gender-free and non-shaming and the next step includes presenting it to the faculty
7. My favorite song (and why) I'm going to switch things up a little--my favorite song is "Drowning Man" by U2--usually, I say it's "One" by U2 but this song was actually the one that made U2 my favorite band.
8. A future event I’m excited about. Harvest Break is the annual letting out of school so students can help local farmers with the potato harvest. Back in the day, lots of kids actually worked with the farmers picking potatoes or working on harvesters. Now, kids just work their regular jobs or do nothing for the two or three-week break. It's a tradition.
9. My favorite area in my home. I really love my bed
10. Something beautiful I saw today. some leaves are changing--I can see them out my kitchen window
11. My guilty pleasure. Bravo TV shows: The Real Housewives franchises, Below Deck franchise, and Top Chef
12. Something I love about a family member my Pennsylvania sister checks in with me regularly and I truly appreciate it--I miss her so much
13. A compliment that made me feel good a colleague told her students that my book recommendations never fail--she was trying to encourage a reluctant reader to try a book I recommended
14. The item I treasure the most. hmmm... item? I'll say my Nook, it's the single most-used item electronic item I own
15. My favorite part about nature all the beautiful fall colors I'll be enjoying in the next few weeks
16. A book I loved reading I had a hard time wanting to read anything after finishing the magnificent book All The Devils Are Here by Louise Penny
17. A freedom I’m grateful for I am so grateful that I can choose many aspects of my lifestyle
18. My favorite part of the evening. sunset
19. One good thing that happened today. I am enjoying a particularly delicious iced coffee
20. How I show gratitude for my friends. small gestures and remembering the little things
I am picturing you and your neighbor as Mary and Rhoda. Rhoda lived upstairs, but I'll let you assign roles.
Gender-free and non-shaming! Good for you! I hope it becomes a model for the country.
Good for you on that Gender-free proposal! Maine is famous for being the state that stirs things up, and I echo CountryDew on this. A model for the country.
It's so wonderful to have a such a long standing friendship. A great comfort.
Fall colors are so exciting! I look forward to them in December here. ;0) Enjoy the new week!
The leaves are starting to change here too. Love this season.
Why am I not surprised that the Nook is your favorite electronic??
#16 That book sounds delicious. Must read.
Have a good week at school. Be safe.
I'm actually almost totally decaffeinated now - so the "kick in" moment never happens.
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