1) The Love Boat ran from 1977 to 1987. It was in the Top 10 for seven of those 10 seasons. Are you familiar with the show? Were you a fan? I used to watch it followed by Fantasy Island during my babysitting years
2) Every week, viewers followed The Pacific Princess as she set sail to a glamorous destination. Have you ever taken a cruise? If so, where did you go? I took a small overnight cruise on the Scotia Prince cruise line--it was a benefit of being Associate of the Month and Year when I worked in retail
3) Gavin MacLeod played Captain Steubing. Born Allan See, he came up with the stage name by combining the first name of a fictional character he admired, and the last name of a teacher who influenced him. Using his formula, give yourself a stage name. For example, Sam would be Hermione Hart (Hermione from Harry Potter; Hart for her Kindergarten teacher). Minerva Dingwall (now that's a name!) (from HP's Professor McGonagall and my high school history teacher)
4) After the series ended, Fred Grandy (aka "Gopher") went on to become a Congressman from Iowa and then CEO of Goodwill Industries. If you had a bag of gently-used items to donate, where would you take them? I'm currently clearing out my closet and passing along the gently worn clothing to a high school friend of mine who has recently returned to work--all the business casual clothes have been a godsend to her (her words)
5) Ted Lange is best known for his role as the ship's bartender, Isaac. But he began his career performing the classics, and appeared at Colorado Shakespearean Festival and London's Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. Let's class up this joint. Give us a little Shakespeare. "You are not worth the dust which the rude wind blows in your face." -King Lear
6) Bernie Kopell played the ship's doctor, Adam Bricker. Kopell first appeared on TV in 1961 and was a regular on Get Smart and That Girl, and he's still acting today. But Love Boat was, by far, his favorite role. Working on the show was "absolute heaven" because he was paid to travel the world and meet his acting idols, like Oscar winners Greer Garson, Joan Fontaine and Eva Marie Saint, who appeared on the show. When you think of the best job you have ever had, what made it so good: the pay, the location, the people you met, or the work itself? by far my current job is the best job I've ever had--making a difference in my students' lives is rewarding but the idea that a love of learning can be life-long makes it even sweeter! (Let's not talk about the pay...)
7) Lauren Tewes played Cruise Director Julie McCoy. Today she lives in Seattle, appearing in local theater and -- between acting assignments -- working as a chef for a catering service. Have you hosted dinner for more than 8 people? If yes, do you remember what you served? I have hosted dinner for family that was up to 20 people and it was a traditional Thanksgiving feast!
8) For the first nine seasons, the theme was sung by Jack Jones. The Grammy-winning singer says one of his career highlights playing Sky Masterson onstage in Guys and Dolls. In his late 50s at the time, had had to go outside his comfort zone, dancing and acting as well as singing before a live audience. Tell us about something new you tried recently. Hmmm--the only thing that comes to mind is that I learned two new knitting techniques and feel rather proficient at them
9) Random question -- Which would you rather receive as a gift: one $500 wristwatch, or five $100 wristwatches? I do not wear a watch--so can I have the $500 for books and yarn?
2) Every week, viewers followed The Pacific Princess as she set sail to a glamorous destination. Have you ever taken a cruise? If so, where did you go? I took a small overnight cruise on the Scotia Prince cruise line--it was a benefit of being Associate of the Month and Year when I worked in retail
3) Gavin MacLeod played Captain Steubing. Born Allan See, he came up with the stage name by combining the first name of a fictional character he admired, and the last name of a teacher who influenced him. Using his formula, give yourself a stage name. For example, Sam would be Hermione Hart (Hermione from Harry Potter; Hart for her Kindergarten teacher). Minerva Dingwall (now that's a name!) (from HP's Professor McGonagall and my high school history teacher)
4) After the series ended, Fred Grandy (aka "Gopher") went on to become a Congressman from Iowa and then CEO of Goodwill Industries. If you had a bag of gently-used items to donate, where would you take them? I'm currently clearing out my closet and passing along the gently worn clothing to a high school friend of mine who has recently returned to work--all the business casual clothes have been a godsend to her (her words)
5) Ted Lange is best known for his role as the ship's bartender, Isaac. But he began his career performing the classics, and appeared at Colorado Shakespearean Festival and London's Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. Let's class up this joint. Give us a little Shakespeare. "You are not worth the dust which the rude wind blows in your face." -King Lear
6) Bernie Kopell played the ship's doctor, Adam Bricker. Kopell first appeared on TV in 1961 and was a regular on Get Smart and That Girl, and he's still acting today. But Love Boat was, by far, his favorite role. Working on the show was "absolute heaven" because he was paid to travel the world and meet his acting idols, like Oscar winners Greer Garson, Joan Fontaine and Eva Marie Saint, who appeared on the show. When you think of the best job you have ever had, what made it so good: the pay, the location, the people you met, or the work itself? by far my current job is the best job I've ever had--making a difference in my students' lives is rewarding but the idea that a love of learning can be life-long makes it even sweeter! (Let's not talk about the pay...)
7) Lauren Tewes played Cruise Director Julie McCoy. Today she lives in Seattle, appearing in local theater and -- between acting assignments -- working as a chef for a catering service. Have you hosted dinner for more than 8 people? If yes, do you remember what you served? I have hosted dinner for family that was up to 20 people and it was a traditional Thanksgiving feast!
8) For the first nine seasons, the theme was sung by Jack Jones. The Grammy-winning singer says one of his career highlights playing Sky Masterson onstage in Guys and Dolls. In his late 50s at the time, had had to go outside his comfort zone, dancing and acting as well as singing before a live audience. Tell us about something new you tried recently. Hmmm--the only thing that comes to mind is that I learned two new knitting techniques and feel rather proficient at them
9) Random question -- Which would you rather receive as a gift: one $500 wristwatch, or five $100 wristwatches? I do not wear a watch--so can I have the $500 for books and yarn?
That cruise sounds terrific. Long enough to feel like you're at sea, but short enough that, if you find you're not having a good time, you'll be home soon.
Speaking of terrific ... I love the way you talk about your current job. I hope that you're able to go into this upcoming pandemic schoolyear feeling both productive and SAFE!
What a nice thing to do for your friend! I am sure she appreciates it even more than she says.
You have some very lucky students to have a teacher that really enjoys teaching them that much. Do you know yet if you will be going back to school at the normal time in the normal way? Be safe whatever way school reopens!
That cruise sounds like fun
I have heard scrubs floated at our school....since we are in the pre-school area and they are easy to clean. We got an email yesterday that we would need to do some things the rest of the district will not be doing. It seems we are getting emails everyday about school re-entry and things change everyday. That is so nice of you to give some of your clothes to a friend. I have a friend at the school that has done that for me as well...probably more than one. It can be spendy to build up a wardrobe for school. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.
What a great line from King Lear! Love it. I think I shall have to use it at some point.
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