
sunday stealing

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For the Queen's Curiosity

1. What is the nearest book to you? Your Kindle does not count. Make Just One Change: Teach Students to Ask Their Own Questions

2. When was the last time you took a "me" vacation? this summer off from school has been a me vacation

3. How many telephone numbers do you have? cell phone and landline

4. If you could fix one thing in the public school system, what is the one thing you would do immediately? Funding--I hate having to buy my own supplies (pencils, paper, tissues--you name it, I buy it!)

5. Are you a big tipper? yes

6. Do you watch reality shows? I do--I love Top Chef

7. Who is your favorite sports team player? My blog friend The Gal has introduced me to Anthony Rizzo and I'm a fan!

8. If you could travel in a spaceship to any planet, which planet would you like to visit and why? Pluto needs love

9. When was the last time you sat in a church? yesterday, at my great uncle's funeral service

10. Are there any aspects of blogging that annoy you? snarky, anonymous comments

11. When someone follows you on their blog or subscribes to your Facebook page, do you automatically follow and subscribe back? I do not


Lori said...

I am sorry about your Great Uncle! :( My thoughts and prayers are with the family. Loved your answers! Have a nice Sunday.


Bev Sykes said...

I love Top Chef too! Also Master Chef. I'm a sucker for food network contests.

I hadn't thought of funding for teachers. I think it's criminal that you guy have to buy your own supplies.

The Gal Herself said...

You will never regret choosing Rizz. The kid is true (Cubbie) blue!

Lola said...

Go Cubbies! I picked Schwarber.

J Lenni Dorner said...

Top Chef is fun.
Sorry about the loss of your uncle.
Pluto or bust!