

I am...

Reading: Becoming.

Listening to: the post office noise--trucks unloading

Loving: what I'm doing at school now

Thinking: about the electrician being in my home tomorrow--ugh! Interlopers!

Feeling: tingly--it's so cold but my apartment is hot

Celebrating: being sworn in as a Trustee for the Library Board again

Grateful for: opportunities

Weather: it is 9 degrees without the wind chill

Enjoying: alone time

A quote I want to share:


Mary said...

I have a former teacher/school admin in my Monday knitting group and I'm not sure she loves much about schools these days. So I'd love to know what it is that you're doing that you love!

Pumpkin Delight (Kimberly) said...

Oh brrrrrrr! That looks and sounds cold. We're in the 40s this week with a big storm and I'm freezing with that!
I too would love to know what you are doing at school that you love!!! :)

The Gal Herself said...

How do you like Becoming?