Gotta Travel On
1) In this song, the Billy Grammer sings that "summer's almost gone, winter's coming on." When you look out your window, do you see any evidence that the seasons are changing? not yet!
2) He admits he has laid around and played around for too long. Do you consider lazy days to be wasted days? no, they are not wasted
3) Billy relaxed by fishing. Tell us about a visit you made to a pier, or a ride you took on a boat, this past year. (Bonus points if you went fishing!) I haven't been to a pier this year... or on a boat! Last summer I went to Chebeague Island (off Portland) and had a wonderful visit but this year my friends were unable to schedule a visit
4) Born in 1925, Mr. Grammer was the eldest of 13 children. He and his wife Ruth were childless. What do you think is the ideal size for a family? as many people as you can comfortably afford
5) This song was very popular on juke boxes back in 1959. When were you last in a bar or restaurant that had a juke box? Did you play it? there's a restaurant in the neighboring town with juke boxes at each table
6) In 1959, movie tickets zoomed up in price to $1.00 and Ben Hur was the big blockbuster. What's the last movie you saw in a theater? Do you remember how much the ticket cost? I saw Christopher Robin and I paid either $5 or $7
7) Huckleberry Hound was a hit with the younger audience in 1959. What cartoon did you enjoy as a kid? Josie and the Pussycats
8) In 1959, continuing dramas (soap operas) were still broadcast each day on the radio. When you turn on the radio, do you listen for talk, news, or music? music
9) Random question -- Which competition would you rather judge: The Pillsbury Bake Off, The Miss America Pageant, or Dancing with the Stars? wow--that's a fun question--I'll say Pillsbury Bake Off but I'm nervous about eating funky stuff
Hi Kwiz!! I love the idea of having a small juke box at every table. I think I have seen a place like that, but not recently. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend!
Now I have the Josie and the Pussycats theme running through my head.
I remember the places that had the little jukeboxes at every table. I liked that.
I've seen places with the little personal jukeboxes, but it was long ago. Diners. You don't see those very often.
I used to listen to music on the radio back in the 70's. It was fun then. Now there are just so many options!
Great answer to #4. Spot on!
And, no, there are no wasted days, even the "lazy" ones.
Have fun on Sunday.. it's Fun Day after all.
I forgot all about Josie. Wasn't that an Archie comic book spin off?
Josie and the Pussycats had their own show? Why don't I remember that?
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