

I am...

Reading: a disconcerting phishing email that I'm reporting

Listening to: the Carol Burnett 50th Anniversary special

Loving: this trip down memory lane!

Thinking: I'm feeling nostalgic

Feeling: sleepy--I woke up from 12-3 am

Celebrating: a student gave me a bag of Reese's peanut butter cups!

Grateful for: taking the time to write up lesson plans--the day unfolded so neatly! And the photocopier didn't jam!

Weather: it's 28 degrees!

Enjoying: some chill time

A quote I want to share:


Stacy said...

The Carol Burnett special was great! We loved her back in the day and often find ourselves sitting here watching the infomercials for her DVDs.

Paula said...

I, too, loved seeing Carol Burnett again. She still has it!

The Gal Herself said...

After midnight is a dangerous time for me, too.