
saturday 9

As Long as We Got Each Other

1) This is the theme from the 1980s sitcom, Growing Pains. Alan Thicke played Dr. Jason Seaver, one of TVs popular dads. Who is your favorite TV dad? either Pa Ingalls or John Walton, Sr.

2) Joanna Kearns, who played Jason's wife, reports that she teased her costar by calling him, "Al," a nickname he hated. Is there someone in your life that you enjoy needling? a couple of students spring to mind

3) For most of the series, the Seaver children each represented a "type." The oldest, Mike, was the trouble maker. The daughter, Carol, was the brainiac. Young Ben could be very high maintenance. Which of the Seaver kids were you most like when you were growing up? the brainiac

4) In the song, BJ Thomas sings about being "the luckiest dreamer who never quit dreaming." If you could have any dream come true this Saturday, what would you wish for? no rain (I'm heading out on a road trip)

5) When he mans the grill, Sam's father proudly wears the "Kiss the Chef" she gave him for Father's Day years ago. Tell us about a gift you gave someone that was a hit. I got my dad an Adirondack lawn chair and it's just what he wanted!

6) Sam's dad takes his grilling very seriously and jealously guards his special marinade recipe. Do you have a secret you haven't even shared with family members? they don't know about the clutter

7) He recommends using a grill basket when barbecuing vegetables so you don't have to worry about them falling through the grill. Share one of your culinary tips with us. uh... there are some mighty fine no-bake lasagna noodles out there now

8) Sam's father hates it when she swears. What's the last curse word you used? shit

9) Sam's father satisfies his afternoon sugar craving with an almost endless stream of Butter Rum Lifesavers. When you crave a snack, do you usually want something sweet or salty? hmmm... I usually have a yogurt or a "Balanced Break"


The Gal Herself said...

Oh, I forgot about Ralph Waite! He was such a good TV dad -- both on the Waltons and NCIS.

Stacy said...

Everyone is coming up with TV dads I totally forgot about. Andy Griffith, Ralph Waite. There were so many good ones back in the day.

I am Harriet said...

I love Adirondack lawn chairs. They are the perfect compromise between sitting and lying down

Cat. said...

Of course we match on the dad thing, of course. (though we never watched The Waltons when I was little for some reason)

And sometimes, the only way to get through to a kid is to puncture them a little. Just a little! And only the ones who can take it! I try to be careful about not poking people who will take it too seriously.

CountryDew said...

No bake lasagna noodles? I shall have to look for those. Sounds like something I could handle.