
saturday 9

The Tide Is High

1) This song was originally performed in 1966 by a Jamaican band called The Paragons. Jamaica is the most popular vacation destination in the Caribbean. What's your ideal vacation? (Relaxing on the beach, sightseeing in a new city, skiing the slopes, spending time with family, etc.) I like visiting with family and sightseeing in a new city--I'm not much of an outdoorsy type

2) In this song, Debbie Harry sings that she's not the kind of girl who gives up easily. How about you? Do you hang on stubbornly? Or do you know when to say "when?" I usually do some soul-searching and know when to say "when"

3) Blondie is a group that took it's name from the lead singer's most identifiable characteristic, her hair. If your band was named after your hair, what would it be called? Fading Strawberry

4) Before her career as a singer took off, Debbie supported herself as a waitress. She even served drinks while wearing bunny ears and tail at The Playboy Club. Have you ever worked in food service? ugh--I have and I HATED it--well, the waitressing part was awful but hostessing wasn't bad except for bussing tables

5) Debbie points to David Bowie as a major influence on her music and career. What's your favorite Bowie song? lately, I've been listening to "Golden Years"

6) In 1980, when this song was popular, the best selling issue of Rolling Stone featured Robert Redford on the cover. Who is your all-time favorite actor? George Clooney

7) In 1980, Ted Turner revolutionized how we watch TV when he introduced CNN. Do you have any subscriptions services in addition to cable -- like Hulu, Amazon Prime or Netflix? I have Amazon and Netflix

8) John Lennon was murdered in 1980. Today there's a specially landscaped section of Central Park called Strawberry Fields in his honor. If you had a day to spend in New York, what would you want to see? I've discovered that one day just isn't enough time to spend in NYC!

9) We're going shopping! Which do you need to add to your wardrobe: underwear, shoes or a swimsuit? actually (and I can't believe I'm going to say this) right now I'm good


zippiknits...sometimes said...

Aww I just knew you would say George Clooney. He is rather dishy.

And I see what you mean about that ONE day in NYC. Chronically not enough time!

I am Harriet said...

Wow! George Clooney??? Nobody would have ever guessed. Wow! :)

The Gal Herself said...

You're so right -- there's way more than a day's worth of stuff to do in New York. But it's soooooo expensive! I can't afford to live in NYC the way I want to.

Stacy said...

I am with you on HATING waitressing and I knew you'd say George was your favorite. ;)

CountryDew said...

Never would have guessed you'd say George Clooney (sorry, everyone else said it, I know). I like your hair-band name!

Diana_CT said...

Now why am I not surprised that you picked George Clooney. :)