Why is it that after doing laundry I am in need of a nap? It's one o'clock in the afternoon, all I've done today is meet a friend for coffee and laundry. Yet I'm totally wiped out.
Because doing laundry completely sucks! Because it's like doing the dishes in that it's thankless and endless. But it's worse than doing the dishes because it takes so much more time. Soul-soul labor, that laundry. You deserve a nap. Or a drink. Or an extra dessert.
Because doing laundry completely sucks! Because it's like doing the dishes in that it's thankless and endless. But it's worse than doing the dishes because it takes so much more time. Soul-soul labor, that laundry. You deserve a nap. Or a drink. Or an extra dessert.
I haven't done any laundry today and I am totally wipes out!! I want a nap!!!
Because being a grown-up is HARRRRRRRRRRRRRRD!!
Because laundry or no laundry, sometimes you just need a nap.
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