sunday stealing
Carry A Tune Meme
Do you own a tablet of any kind? I have an iPad
What’s something people always assume about you that isn’t true? that I have money
On a scale of 1-10, how much do elevators scare you? 1, elevators don't scare me
When you’re upset, do you vent to people or do you keep to yourself? it depends on what has upset me
Have you ever watched a meteor shower? yes!
Do you tend to put things off until the last minute? not really
How do you react to random strangers suddenly trying to make conversation with you? I join in
Do you have a lucky number? yes- 3
Would you go out to dinner with Oprah? yes!
Did you ever play sports? I played tennis and field hockey in high school
Do you feel guilty if you throw food away? always
Do you think you could make it as a baker? not if it was high pressure
Are you one of those people who are wearing scarves with everything? I have a scarf on now
Have you ever been in a castle? it was one of the fun things I did in Ireland
When you were little, did you ever play with Playdoh? I used to eat it
Would you rather write a mystery or love story? a mystery
Tell me about your worst fashion mistake: wearing oversize clothes
Do you hate it when people smoke around you? yes
How are you wearing your hair right now? natural--no products, and it looks wild
When’s the last time you were sick? last weekend
Would you rather have OJ or milk with your breakfast? OJ
What were you doing thirty minutes ago? napping
Do you own any school related clothing articles? yes
Would you rather call people or have them call you? hmmm... neither, really, I'd rather email
Can you carry a tune? yes
Who was the last person who unexpectedly texted you? Jana
Who do you text the most? my sisters
sunday meme
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I can't believe how many of you ate Play-doh! Please tell me you didn't eat paste and lick bus windows, too. LOL ;)
I have an iPad also but I don't get to use it much. My husband has taken it over. I prefer orange juice for breakfast also.
I think I tried eating Playdoh once, and after that stuck with enjoying the scent. And yeah, not a big phone person.
Wild hair. Wow, you must be Irish!
Emails are the best thing, really. I have a third hand 1st gen iPad from a DD, and an Air2.
You ate playdoh? Playdoh + wild hair=?
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