Musing Mondays asks you to muse about one of the following each week…
• I’m currently reading…
• Up next I think I’ll read…
• I bought the following book(s) in the past week…
• I’m super excited to tell you about (book/author/bookish-news)…
• I’m really upset by (book/author/bookish-news)…
• I can’t wait to get a copy of…
• I wish I could read ___, but…
• I blogged about ____ this past week…
This week’s random question: Do you have a favorite book from childhood? What is it?
This week I'm going way out of the topics to talk about reading groups. Over the years, I've belonged to five different reading groups (one of which is still going strong). I'm a joiner. I like being part of a group. Especially a low-pressure, low-stakes group that is intended for pure entertainment. Each of the groups has had regularly scheduled monthly meetings. What I like about reading groups is diversity--reading books that I wouldn't necessarily have picked up on my own. Talking about those books can be an interesting event, especially if not everyone enjoyed the book. There have been some instances that I did not finish the book (looking at you, One Hundred Years of Solitude). And I've heard about all kinds of different authors and have even tried some genres outside of my favorites.
More than anything, though, I love being surrounded by other people who love reading as much as I do. Exploring the world of imagination through words.
Currently, I belong to a reading group at school, we call ourselves The Lunch Bunch. At any meeting there might be up to fifteen of us, but regularly there are 8 of us.
And I'm joining the local library's Next Chapter book group. The first meeting is this Thursday and we'll be discussing The Girl On The Train. I hope lots of people attend, I would be bummed if it's just me.
I'm part of a book group too. They're lots of fun! We end up doing a lot of talking about things other than the book though
I've been part of book groups in the past but am not currently in one. I miss the conversation and the camaraderie.
I am so sure you won't be the lone clubber on Thursday! relax and enjoy what lies ahead - great connxns and reading talk await you I'm betting :) Have a GREAT time!
I like reading groups too. I only belong to one right now. It is one that has gone on for several years.
I haven't been part of a reading group for many years, but the ideal sounds so appealing. Thanks for sharing, and here is
Your reading groups sound like so much fun.
I'm not a group person, nor a joiner. I'm pretty much solitary, which makes me very happy to be married to another person who also needs his solitude. Cool that you enjoy :) BTW, The Girl on the Train kept me riveted to my Kindle for the entire flight (4 hours) from JFK to Puerto Rico. Great book, and out of my usual sci-fi, fantasy thing. Have fun discussing it with your group!
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