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When you travel, do you bring one book with you? Or a pile of them?
And, is that pile still a load of paper to lug around? Or do you use an e-book reader like a Kindle or your iPad to help carry the load? (Because, even if you prefer paper, it can get heavy when you’re traveling!)
Travel is one of the reasons I bought a Nook to begin with. I love being able to carry numerous books with me when I am out and about around town, running errands. I love having "vacation" reads at my fingertips. Sometimes I've traveled with both my Nook and iPad because I listen to audio books and have magazines on my iPad.
When I was a kid, I always had one duffel filled with books when heading to camp for the summer. I was afraid I'd run out (and some summers I did run out).
I bring both along. though for the most part, I prefer ebooks. You can read more about it on my blog post.
I prefer paper books but in the past year or two started to read books on my iPad when I travel. My answer this week is here:
That is what I love about my Nook as well!!
Maybe i need an iPad! I have an old Kindle and I'd just as soon take a book(s) along.
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